Bombyx PLM

manuals & documents
tutorial and demo

introduction to the manuals & documents module

Centralising all your documents in one place provides easy access, not limited to product-related materials. This includes internal documentation for external sharing, like manuals and documents, ensuring accessibility for your team and supply chain.




For anything not specific to products, consider placing it in manuals and documents. To do so, simply tap the "add" icon located at the top right of the page to create a folder or add a document.




manuals and documents tutorial and demo

creating folder(s)

Once you have clicked the icon button and you've made your selection from the dropdown menu.




proceed by entering your chosen folder name and then click "add" to confirm.




manuals and document tutorial and demo



Now that your folder has been successfully created, you can easily access and add manuals or documents by double-tapping on the folder icon.

editing folder(s)

To make changes to the folder name, simply tap the edit icon.


manual and document tutorial and demo


Once you're in the editing mode, modify the name as needed, and when you're satisfied with the changes, tap the "update" button to save them.


manuals and document tutorial and demo

deleting folder(s)

To delete a folder individually, tap the bin icon.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


A popup will then appear, prompting you to confirm your action. To proceed with the deletion, tap "yes," or, tap "no" to cancel the operation.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


To delete multiple folders, start by selecting the checkboxes next to the folders you want to remove. Then, proceed to the bin icon located in the right corner of the page.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


Selecting the checkbox in the popup will delete all manuals/documents from linked products.

created & modified by

By hovering over the "i" icon, you can access information about the document's creator or modifier, along with the date and time of these actions.     


manuals and document tutorial and demo

adding manuals/documents within a folder

By double-tapping on the folder icon, you can enter the folder itself, allowing you to conveniently add manuals and documents specific to that folder. To initiate this, tap the plus icon and choose your desired items.


manuals and document tutorial and demo


The same straightforward process applies when adding manuals or documents within this particular area. To go back to the landing page, tap the home icon.



manuals and documents tutorial and demo

adding document(s)

When selecting documents via the add icon, a popup will promptly appear. Within this popup, you have two options: either drag and drop the document into the grey area or tap the upload icon to locate it on your device.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo



Additionally, you can input a title for the document and specify an expiry date. Further down, you'll encounter a required field that prompts you to choose the document type from the dropdown menu. If you have brand and supplier information readily available, you can select them, or alternatively, you can enter these details at a later time.



manuals and documents tutorial and demo

editing document(s)

Tapping the edit icon enables you to modify the document's name, date, type, as well as brand and supplier information.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


This is especially helpful when dealing with the same product across different factories with specific documentation needs.

downloading document(s)

Should you require a document download for any reason, you can easily do so by tapping on the download icon located under the action column. Afterward, proceed to save the document to your device.


manuals and document tutorial and demo

previewing document(s)

To view the document, simply tap the preview icon.


manuals and document tutorial and demo


This action will trigger a popup where you can preview the document. To view it on full screen, just tap the four arrows.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo

sharing document(s)

You have the capability to share files externally with your partners. This can be achieved by tapping the share icon in the action column.


manuals and document tutorial and demo


This functionality is ideal for sharing critical information. You have two options: you can assign the document to all users by selecting the radio button.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


or, you can choose specific individuals from the dropdown menu.  Once you've made your selections, simply tap the share button to proceed.


manuals and document tutorial and demo


To share manuals/documents with other products, select the share with products icon.


manuals and document tutorial and demo


once you have made your selection(s) from the dropdown menu, tap share.


manuals and document tutorial and demo

renewing document(s)

In case a file is nearing its expiration date or a newer version has been created, you have the option to renew it. By tapping the renew icon.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


The previous document will be archived for your reference, ensuring you can easily look back when needed.



manuals and documents tutorial and demo

archiving document(s)

You can safely archive any products that are no longer required within your open files and folders, preserving them for future reference. To archive document(s), simply find the archive icon.

manuals and documents tutorial and demo


Clicking on it will trigger a popup, asking for confirmation to archive. You also have the choice to select the checkbox if you wish to archive the document(s) from all products linked to it.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo

archived documents

Upon entering the archived documents section, you'll find several options at your disposal.


manual and documents tutorial and demo


You can preview, download, and unarchive documents here. To perform these actions, simply tap the respective icons for each action.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


The process mirrors what you've already learned in the open documents section.

moving document(s) to a folder

To relocate a document to a specific folder, utilize the right arrow icon within the action panel. Then, select your desired folder from the dropdown menu where you want to place the document.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo


To move multiple documents, tap the checkboxes of each document, and locate the right arrow positioned at the top right of the page.


manuals and documents tutorial and demo