Bombyx PLM

placeholder management

placeholder management

introduction to placeholder management module

Step into a transformative journey where placeholders evolve beyond empty spaces, becoming the catalysts driving your product’s success.

Placeholder Management

With the implementation of our Product Placeholder Management Module, innovation gains limitless horizons, propelling your products to market with unprecedented speed, intelligence, and readiness

placeholder management - shopping list

Once the initial top-down planning at the primary category level is completed by the merchandising team, the buying team will initiate the development of a shopping list.


This list will take into account the breakdown of categories and product descriptions. During this phase, they can also begin assigning brands, months/seasons/years, and any specific custom attributes.


Once the fundamental product data is established, they can proceed with crucial determinations regarding the variety of differences within each Category 1.


These variations may deviate from the aforementioned data, but in the case of Bombyx, they can be organised together beneath the core product data to enhance the user experience.

importance of placeholder management

In a dynamic economic landscape, it’s imperative for brands to offer a diverse array of products to maintain their competitiveness in the market. A solution such as Placeholder Management aids Senior Buyers in effectively allocating their product range to ensure optimal coverage.


Furthermore, placeholder management serves as the bridge for fostering collaboration between the buying team and the design team. This streamlined process ensures clarity in terms of what and how the design team should proceed, thereby optimising the efficient utilisation of all available resources.

Similarly, the Bombyx placeholder management operates in a bidirectional manner. Should the design team embark on creating new original designs for specific products, this information is automatically updated within the placeholder management system. Consequently, the buying team gains immediate visibility, preventing any excessive product requests for the primary categories aligned with the target objectives.



placeholder management


placeholder management

This functionality permits users to introduce a fresh placeholder hierarchy for the products.

Placeholder Management
custom module


custom module

 This function enables users to both modify the core data of product placeholders and edit the core data of their respective variations.

product critical path


custom module

This function empowers users to save the core data of product placeholders as well as save the core data of their corresponding variations.

Placeholder Management
custom module library


custom module library

This function provides users with the ability to completely delete the primary product placeholder. However, if users wish to delete or remove only the variants, this action can solely be accomplished by archiving their product placeholders within the product info module. This archival process will then be reflected in the comparison of actual placeholder quantity and percentage.

placeholder management


placeholder management

Through this function, users can effectively apply filters based on product core data to generate results for the specific placeholders they intend to work on. Furthermore, individual filter selections made by each user are preserved until modified once more. This feature greatly saves significant time by eliminating the need to repeat the same filtering process.

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