Bombyx PLM

tutorial and demo

introduction to the documents within a product module



navigating to the documents within a product

To access the documents area within a product, select the product you are wanting to add the documents to, in the tab header bar, tapping on the menu tab will allow you to access the documents.


uploading documents

To upload documents, tap the plus icon.



A popup will appear to which you will drag and drop or upload the document.


Once uploaded you will now enter a title for the document along with an expiration date if you have that information to hand.



Next, you can select a type, brand, and supplier from the dropdown, however, Type is a required field so one will need to be selected to save.


editing documents

To edit the document, tap the pen tool, this will bring a popup for you to update the title, expiration date, and the three dropdowns.


download a document

Tap the download icon, of the row of the selected document, to download the file on your device.


previewing a document

The preview icon allows you to view the uploaded file. To view the document, tap the preview icon in the action panel.


renew documents

To renew a document, tap the renew icon in the action panel, and a popup will appear.



There are two ways of renewing a test report, you can either drag and drop the file into the grey box or tap the upload icon at the bottom right of the grey box.

archiving documents

To archive a document, you need to tap the archive icon, in the action panel column.



This will bring a popup asking if you are sure you want to archive this document. Tap yes to continue or no to cancel this action.

moving a document to a folder

If you want to move a document into a folder, tap the arrow icon…



And select which folder you want to add the document to from the dropdown menu.



To move multiple documents into a folder, tap the checkbox of the available files, then locate the move icon, next to the search bar function, and select from the dropdown.


created & modified by

To see who created or modified a document/folder, hover over the information icon, in the action panel column.


deleting documents & folders

To delete a document or folder, tap the bin icon that is located in the action panel column of the row of the selected folder/document.



A popup will show asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected document/folder.

entering folders

Double-clicking the folder icon will take you to that specific folder to view those attributes documents.



If no documents have been added to the product, then there will be no documents to show in the folder.


downloading documents in a folder

To download the file, tap the download icon located in the action panel column of the selected document.


copy documents in a folder

You can make a copy of the document, by clicking the copy icon.



which will take you to a popup, where you will select a folder and tap the copy button to save.


preview a document in a folder

Tapping the preview icon will allow you to view the document in the folder.



A popup will appear where you can view the file, to expand to full screen, tap the expand icon on the header bar.

