Bombyx PLM

product groups
tutorial and demo

introduction to the product groups module



product groups

navigating to the product groups

To view product groups at the top bar click on Libraries/Groups/Templates and from here you will see in the bar below this that you will see Product Groups.



In product groups, this is set out in a table format that has five columns. These groups here listed will be shown in the product information when you want to group products.


All the product groups that are created include who created these with the date and time. This also includes the information for who last modified the group name with time and date.

adding a new product group

To add another product group you need to click on the plus icon.



This will then give you a box to include the name of the product group you want to create. For the name of the product group, you can include numbers and special characters.




deleting groups

To delete a product group due to no longer being used, you can either press the bin icon on the row of the product group.



Or you can press the check box next to the row if there are multiple ones you want to delete at once. Then at the top next to the plus icon, you click the bin and this will delete everything that has been ticked.


editing groups

To edit the product group, tap the edit icon of the selected row of the group.



A popup will appear here you can edit the group's name, and once done tap the update button.



select/unselect all

To select all, tap on the ‘select all’ button this will mark all product groups with a tick, then you can delete all of the groups by clicking on the ‘bin’ icon next to the search bar.



To unselect all, just tap on the ‘unselect all’ button in the same position as the select all and this will cancel the action.



product information groups

In product information, you will also see a dropdown box called product groups this is where the product groups you have created can be found.



Any additional product groups that are needed that are not listed in that drop down is when you will again go into the product group section that can be accessed from Libraries/Groups/Templates.
