Bombyx PLM

what is pim

what is pim?

beyond data into excellence, your pim partner

Product Information Management (PIM) software is a crucial tool for efficiently organising and centralising product data, essential for effective product marketing and sales strategies. This encompasses vital information like product descriptions, images, pricing, technical specifications, and other pertinent details related to a company’s offerings.

what does pim do?

Create & Centralise

A PIM system ensures the availability of precise and current product information across all sales channels, encompassing websites, catalogues, mobile apps, and various marketing platforms. This fosters consistency and accuracy in product messaging, pivotal for building and maintaining customer trust and satisfaction.


Edit & Enhance

A PIM system has the capability to refine, enhance, and fine-tune all the data and assets associated with your products (SKUs). Benefiting businesses dealing with a substantial product inventory or those operating in diverse markets, PIM systems play a pivotal role in streamlining the process of updating and disseminating product information.


Click & Connect

A PIM system ensures smooth distribution of relevant data from a single access point by integrating with e-commerce platforms, content management systems, and ERP software, creating a unified and robust product information ecosystem.

what is pim?

excel vs. bombyx pim

what's happening to your products and people without a pim

your potential with bombyx pim

increased productivity

less time searching for information
less time searching for information
better collaboration with teams on a single platform from any location
fewer data inaccuracies
better collaboration with teams on a single platform from any location
fewer data inaccuracies

increased performance

streamline concept to consumer processes
launch more products on time
go to market faster
streamline concept to consumer processes
launch more products on time
go to market faster

increased profit margins

gain competitive advantage
access a longer sales period
reduce administrative costs
gain competitive advantage
access a longer sales period
reduce administrative costs

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